These are the renders of my model created in 3DS Max for the assessment. It is an armoured car based on the shape and the armour of an armadillo.

One part of the model I think I did well was the middle of the car. I thought that would cause me a lot of trouble, but I got it done quite fast near the beginning, meaning I had a lot more time than I expected to have for the rest of the model. One thing I could have improved on was the wheels, but because I did them last I was rushing a lot and didn't do as good a job as I could have done. Another part of the model I think I did well with was the texture, as I used a material that wasn't really designed for the purpose I had in mind but I was able to change it into something that was quite similar to the skin/scales on an armadillo. A second thing that could have gone better is the planning. After deleting polygons near the beginning of the creation, I later found out it would have been better keeping them, meaning I spent a lot of time patching holes that shouldn't have really been there. Overall I'm quite happy with how my model turned out, there were a few problems I didn't anticipate, but I think I did a brilliant job and kept it looking a lot like my concept work I did on paper.