Thursday 27 June 2013

Final Animation Survey

Today I created a survey for people to fill in regarding my final animation for Multi-Story Water. I managed to get eight people to fill it in and now have the results. Overall they seem very positive and I am very happy with the outcome. There were 5 questions overall, two to get a small idea of who the person is and then another three questions regarding my animation. Here are the questions:

What is your age?
What is your gender?
What would you rate my animation?
What aspect(s) did you prefer?
What aspect(s) could I improve?

The system used to give the answers was a list of predetermined answers with a tick box next to each one. For the age section there were different ranges; 16 -19, 20 - 29, 30 - 39, 40+. For the answers to the third question I used what is known as the 5 level Likert scale, where the people filling in the survey could give a rating between 1 and 5, 1 being poor, 5 being excellent. For the fourth and fifth questions I gave a list of 5 different aspects of my animation; Models, Textures, Animation, Sounds and Music, giving the option of ticking multiple answers. There was also a 6th option which was 'other' which gave the chance to say that they preferred or thought I could improve in an aspect not listed.

Looking at purely the results for each question I notice that the feedback concerning the third question was very positive, with all but one person giving my animation a rating of 5 and the person who didn't gave it a 4. Also a noticeable part of the results is the results for the fourth question. I had 7 people say they preferred the models and 5 say they preferred my textures. This is very good for me as I believe they are my strengths and if people liked those aspects that must be my strength. This also shows how the two link as one affects the other, a poor texture on a good model could make it look bad and if they were to answer the same questions, less people might have liked the model as a result of the poor textures. Also in this question I am rather surprised to see my sound getting 4 people saying they preferred it as I wasn't very enthusiastic about the results of the sound, so getting 4 people preferring them must mean I did better than I thought. On the last question I was happy to see that nobody thought I could improve my models and my textures, adding further to my confidence in my 3D work. This question also shows divided opinions as compared to the last question, 4 people thought I could improve my sound which means although some liked it, just as many thought it could be better.

When looking at the correlation between different results I notice a few things. One thing is the only two people to prefer the animation aspects were both in the age group 20 - 29. This could be because they have a little more experience than the other people surveyed and might have picked up on the more subtle aspects such as the animating, whereas all the other people were more focused on the actual content. Another thing I notice is that the only female to fill in my results was also the only person to leave the last question blank, meaning they couldn't pick any faults that I could correct.

Here are all the results for each person:


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